Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Importance of being Harry!

Am talking of the 'chosen one' - Harry Potter!

I remember borrowing The Sorcerer's Stone many years ago from a lending library after someone highly recommended it, and that it was a hit abroad. I'd never heard of it before, but read it anyway. Got hooked. For good. For years. Still am.

When I retire at, lets' say, ninety -  I picture myself in a recliner on a beach, reading HP through my thick glasses and sipping hot tea. Super cool.

Honestly, I don't feel sad that this is the last Harry Potter movie. And don't understand why this should be the end either. The end of what?? The novelty of special effects and cinematic experience of the books, maybe. But how can a series with an enduring plot like this one ever end?

JK Rowling has given us - and several coming generations - a huge gift. One that unabashedly reminds us of the ultimate triumph of good over evil. And that we can win the world - if only we could have on our side, the unrivaled strength of loyalty, personal integrity, and the ultimate powers of Love and Selflessness.

Some might say - that's an idealist's dream - works only in books. I want to believe otherwise. Maybe, our one huge hope in the current times is to re-learn the importance of being loyal, steadfast, honest, and good. As good as Harry! You never know - we just might win this war against the dementors and death eaters of our own muggle world. 

Ms. JK Rowling. Please don't stop writing. We need a lot of reminders still.

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