Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Don't do what's popular

Hello to everyone....which is in order considering the long time I've  been away from blogging. Not that I was a die hard one to begin with. I started a blog because I was curious to see what the hungama was all about. But my heart was not in it, so I couldn't sustain it, I guess.

And that's been a huge discovery for me in the last two years. Don't do things under the pressure of everyone else doing them! What doesn't come from your heart will never sustain itself - it doesn't matter if it's the brightest, smartest idea in the world. When you are tempted to do things that are popular rather than original - run!

Love what Oscar Wilde said - "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." What a stunning quote.

In which ever profession you might be, your audience still loves a dash of originality. So, a bunch of us could be trainers, but we all need to have our individual spark - something we are gifted to do, and so we do it the 'our own special way'. Or we have practiced something to an extent that we stand out when we do that something. Apply the same philosophy to your job as a banker, accountant, teacher, doctor or social activist. The principle doesn't change - 'originality wins hands down'.

And though I feel strongly about being ourselves, I don't steer clear of things that other people inspire me to do. I enjoyed reading some blogs, and thought - why not? When we feel inspired, we might still do something that is popular, but do it in a way that would be unique to us.

With this stint of mine in the blogworld, I might be here for the long haul. Because this time around - I really have something to say and a will to share it with all of you!

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