Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The power of disbelief...

Something I read last night reminded me of the power of disbelief. We just have to believe that 'the impossible is possible' in our life, and the power of disbelief comes into action.

When your mind or others tell you that you can't become someone dramatically better than who you are today - just go ahead and disbelieve.

In early 2003 I happened to be passing through the lobby of a five star hotel that I hardly had the money to visit. But as luck would have it, I was there. A bulletin board caught my attention - The Rotary International's city chapter was inviting applications for their Group Study Exchange program to send four lucky people for FOUR WEEKS TO THE USA & CANADA all expenses paid!!! The eligibility was to be a young professional and a non-Rotarian ....everything else seemed to be a matter of subjective choice of the judging panel.

I had never stepped out of India. My mind rapidly reasoned that I could be as ineligible as I had the chances to be entirely eligible!! That got me thinking...and thank God I stuck with the latter choice. Because I did clear three rounds of interviews and spent a superb, eye-opening four weeks abroad meeting countless wonderful people, clarifying my career goals, developing as a person, and making presentations about India.

I wouldn't be exaggerating if I said that that one month changed the course of my life and my career.

It is human nature that we tend to disbelieve the positive and believe the negative. Our minds are wired to capture and ponder on the negative. It takes extra effort, a conscious conditioning, and just an ounce of self-belief to do the opposite. To negate the negative and focus with all our attention on the positive. Not tough at all and tremendously rewarding to boot.

So, next time you hear from within or without that you can't be superbly successful, become a millionaire, or achieve greatness in your life. Do go ahead...... and disbelieve with all your might.

There is enormous power in believing in yourself and disbelieving in the opinions of others and our environment. Limitations are real only as long as we hold on to them.

Just go ahead...and boldly disbelieve. Then see the magic unfold. 

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