Monday, December 19, 2011

Why you must never give up.....

Long ago, in another land, I was a bright eyed, bushy tailed MBA aspirant. There stood between me and the degree I pined for a formidable competitive exam. As was the trend, I joined a coaching class to help me along with the exam.

My instructor said something to egg us on that left a deep imprint on my mind. She said....

"Don't give up when you badly want to give up...that's an indication you are almost at the top of the ladder. Most people give up and start climbing down at that stage, not realizing how close they are to the top. Keep climbing." 

Thankfully, I was young enough to believe her entirely. I hung on. I climbed my ladder. Not just that one, but quite a few others since then. But here's the trick. When every ounce of my strength and resolve is spent in trying to achieve what I want, and my efforts have come to naught.....that's when I so badly want to give up. Every fiber of my being screams in rebellion. As if waiting for that bit of clamor, a tiny voice miraculously awakens from its slumber, and says to me....march on resolutely, don't be foolish, don't be weak now, don't get tempted by the devil, don't waste all your toil and tears - not when the end is so near. The light is just round the corner....walk on just a bit. I nod in agreement though unwillingly, pick up the pieces and lie to myself that I have it in me to walk just a bit longer. 

And I do....I meet the dazzling light and all my pain is then forgotten and forgiven. Life gets its way and I come out grateful and chastised.

Life has a brilliant way of squeezing us through unimaginable pressure and agony . Like a rock that must undergo immense pressure, pain and patience before it pops out a diamond. Shining insanely in the bright glare of its success - no one remembers how dusty and black it lay just a while ago. Same above as below. The transformation is no less painful for us up here - the wait no less humiliating. And yet, life demands that last drop of blood and sweat. 

Next time any of us want to give up - let's go easy on life. She wants us to succeed. Fortunes change in a day. The last stretch is the ultimate test - lets be masters of the last mile. Never give up! Never lose faith.

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