Friday, December 16, 2011

How to prevent a bad mood....

Moods are slippery things. One moment you want to conquer the world, the next you're so bored you could be counting the spiders hanging from your ceiling. It seriously bothers me when I don't feel as happy, excited, and charged up as I would like to. And I don't want to dismiss it in the name of my overactive female hormones. I've seen men go through mood swings, too.

So here are my FIVE proven strategies to elevate your mood this holiday season...beginning now! (Of course, eating chocolates and cakes works too!)

Remember - moods make you move! A bad mood can waste your most precious time and energy on brooding over all the wrong stuff OR a fabulous mood can help you take action and achieve big things in life! The choice is on. 

1. Wake up to shake up - waking up with the crows and before the sun rises helps you kick start your normal bio clock - just the way nature meant it to be. Plenty of time to sleep when we are dead, as someone wise said.

2. Get moving - cliched, but true. An unmoving lifestyle that keeps you in a chair/sofa for hours on end is a sure shot way for lethargy to creep up on your mood. Brisk walk/jog for just 20 mins everyday to elevate your mood to 'happy' and 'excited'. I've tried it, and I so enjoy it.

3. Chunk that schedule - nothing demotivates me more than lingering on a task for 3 hours non-stop. Research has proven that working in 90 minute chunks with a 15 min rejuvenating break in between makes us most productive and happy. Try it today!

4. Start it right - begin your day with either listening, reading, talking, watching something uplifting and positive. Protect your mood when it matters the most. Avoid toxic people, TV, and newspapers. I love this one.

5. Align it right - doing what you don't like is a serious and long-term mood spoiler. Align your life and your work to your desires and goals. This is a long-term mood saver, and one of my important personal discoveries.

Hope these five proven strategies help you in making your mood a more steady part of your mental health, than just something you leave to chance.

A super happy day ahead to all of you!

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