Sunday, November 6, 2011

Top ten list of daily extraordinaries...

Here is a collection of what I keep thinking most of my days. Also, keep practicing...hope you find these useful in your daily life as you journey to your own extraordinary self.

1.  Be confident of who you are. No one else will make you feel as secure as you can.

2. Forgive those that don't expect you to do so. Not forgiving others only harms you, not them.

3. Rejoice in the success and achievements of others. That's the best way to fully enjoy your own success.

4. Take care of your body and invest in it. That's the only thing you will take to your grave.

5. Fall in love with yourself first, and you will find love at every step of the way.

6. Economically bad times are the best times to discover who you really are and what you really want.

7. Money is the least of your problems, not putting your heart and soul in your work is worth worrying about.

8. Failure is a bigger teacher than success. Cherish your defeats, they move you to success faster.

9. Read everyday, its food for the mind. It enriches your thoughts and leads to a happy life.

10. What you think about yourself is what shows up everyday. Think well and be kind to yourself.


  1. Point #2 reminds me of a really powerful statement I once came by, and always remind myself:
    "Between the hater and the hated, it is always the hater who gets hurt most"

    Like your posts quite a bit--they are very inspirational indeed :)

  2. Thanks so much, Leena. And you always let me know that, which I am grateful for.
