In the year 1996, I stumbled upon my first self-help book - 'The Power of Positive Thinking' - written by Dr.Norman Vincent Peale in 1952. Anyone here remembers tell?
I was swept off of my feet by his brutally honest, heart warming, simply written, and enormously wise book. In one graceful gesture I was introduced to the world of PMA - Positive Mental Attitude!
He was a popular pastor who understood the basic craving of all mankind - to be happy! And stay happy. (I will not get into how we manage to make the "being happy" part so complicated that, by default, we create gob fulls of unhappiness! Let me leave this ripe topic for another blog, another day.)
Getting back to the point. That one tiny book had a gigantic effect on my hungry mind and raw soul. I truly began to believe in the power of positive thinking. Now in the good old days, it was tough to gather various contradictory and debatable points of view on how to be happy. I found one and I stuck with it. Before I could doubt his theory, I had already begun to implement it and the results cemented my belief in the idea of being a good and positive person.
Somewhere in the book, and this is seriously sweet, the author actually offers a numbered list of ingredients we must have in our life to ensure long-term happiness. I have no clue why, but two 'must haves' from his list stayed with me - 1) We must have a purpose in life, and 2) We must have love in our life - someone to love and someone to love us back.
Over a period of time, I read loads of self-help literature out of interest and intrigue about how the mind worked and what powers lay hidden in the infinite human potential. I got submerged in the psychology, anatomy, physiology, and management of a happy and fulfilling life. Many theories came and many went - many have gathered momentum.
Somehow, Dr. Normal Vincent Peale, and his humane and simple approach to happiness, has stuck. Without any frills or fancy - the man knew what he was talking about - and had the courage to say so. I was sold.
After fifteen years of ups and downs, of winning and losing, of knowing and doubting - those two ingredients of being happy have stood the test of time.
So I do know there is unhappiness and suffering in the world, but I also believe that the comfort of a steady purpose and the strength of love are far more potent forces. Not to mention, all that is evil and all that is good in our world, begins in the mind, anyway.
PS: Just in case
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